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Coalition and Digital Equity
Plan Overview

SA Digital Connects is a public / private / community investment in a Digital Equity Plan


The plan recommends future actions with timelines, milestones, key stakeholders, required investment

San Antonio and Greater Bexar County will be “shovel ready” to implement digital equity initiatives across households, students, older adults, vets, workforce, telemedicine, and the justice system

Several sources used to inform recommendations
  • Engaged more than 140 community entities through interviews, an inventory survey, and focus groups across stakeholders 


  • Identified learnings from local efforts underway in San Antonio / Bexar County today


  • Researched comparable city / municipality benchmarks and best practices


  • Solicited input from weekly touchpoints with our advisory group of community digital leaders

Public - private - community structure

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Our public-private-community partnership will champion the regional digital equity plan and drive this work forward.

Key activities to drive digital equity:

​The plan is a single strategy, jointly owned; together, we will collaboratively implement initiatives and optimize funds for the best possible outcome


City & County leadership will make use of funding to organize and act on initiatives, partnering with key stakeholders on ownership and execution


​The philanthropic & private sector leaders of SA Digital Connects will galvanize support and funding for the plan and coordinate engagement across the community, partnering to ensure the public sector maintains action & funding on digital access. We do so with greater: SATX / SA Talent as our fiscal agent

DISCLAIMER:  The information found in this portal is intended for public use. It reflects work produced and provided by the SA Digital Connects team and community members starting in January 2021 to the present.  Some information will reflect the moment in time when the work was done. Data, funding, maps and assumptions may fluctuate in the everchanging digital ecosystem. 

© 2024 by SA Digital Connects

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